If any website wants to post news and be considered credible, it falls upon them to have the wisdom to determine what news is and what an editorial is. To know the difference, it requires those in charge to know the basics about a subject like that of science. You need to know what science is and is not at the very basic level. If a website such as Yahoo cannot do so, then they deserve to be the whipping post.

Science is attempting to understand the world around us. We observe something, postulate a reason for it, test if the postulate is correct through applicable experimentation, and submit your results for not only peer review but duplication of the experiment to verify the results. If you fail the process, you go back to the start and try, try again. We use the scientific method to have a baseline of rules to follow to keep opinions on the sideline as much as possible to get to the information and keep it factual and honest. It is a “checks and balance” system if you will. Science is about following the evidence to where the evidence leads us.

Unfortunately, those with agendas have opted to turn the field of Science backwards. Instead of following the evidence, far too many “professionals” have decided to try and take the neutral evidence and conform it to their opinions and world views as opposed to following the evidence like true science dictates. Yahoo has chosen to fully support those who have in no uncertain terms bastardized science.

How so? Their primary source for “science” articles is the website LiveScience.com which is described as “scientific inquiry with an original, provocative point of view. LiveScience reports amazing, real world breakthroughs, made simple and stimulating for people on the go.” You can change some of that wording around. “Original, provocative point of view” easily translates into opinion not science. Science is ignored and an agenda is pushed instead. LiveScience is little more than an overzealous blog masking as science. Why would a company such as Yahoo use such a sad source for “Science News”?

If you watch and read closely, real scientists and historians are not given airtime. Who do they quote? Who writes the articles? Anthropologists do. Nice title but anthropology has little to do with science or history. They take the tidbits that are known or confirmed and insert a heavy amount of opinion based on their world view to fill the void of unknown. That isn’t science or history. That’s science fiction writing which often completely ignores the basics of genetics and microbiology in order to mislead and flat out lie to those reading the material.

Here is one of the articles Yahoo thought worthwhile to post as “provocative science news”. The location on the LiveScience website is here. The title of “Sarcasm Seen as Evolutionary Survival Skill” says it all. The word “seen” indicates opinion not provable fact. It goes on to blather about “claim” and other words that indicate opinion. It also assumes there was enough time for “evolution” to have happened. Which I have already shown doesn’t exist in Time Demand Crunch III. But the standard argument used for evolution ignores the basics of genetics and microbiology. and

The environment does not dictate to your DNA what you will become. Your DNA dictates how you can interact with the environment. If I can’t reach the top shelf, my offspring of my wife and I (5’ and 6’2” respectively) will not be taller than me just so he / she can reach the top shelf. To assert the opposite is just ridiculous and doing an incredible disservice to those attempting to learn real science. Observational data supported by experimental data produces evidence you follow to the eventual conclusion. But if no one was there to observe it and it can’t be tested then it is not science. Yahoo should try supporting real science not this published junk science or sci-fi writing.

Makes a person wonder why Microsoft would want to bother buying Yahoo out.

There comes a time in nearly everyone’s life where they need to prepare to move on to a different vocation of choice in this world. This blog serves its purpose in giving my point of view into this world. In time though all good things come to an end, but today is not the day for this blog.

When you do make the jump into a new vocation in life, you invariable have to do so by getting the proper education. Of course there is on the job training but if you do not have the prerequisite skill sets you are left to flipping burgers, cleaning toilets or stocking shelves at a place decorated with a happy face.

If you are looking into a vocation that you can train swiftly into as our bills often require, then what is normally called a 2 year degree is the category for you. Learning what you need to know to have the skill sets needed is often far more desirable then slogging through endless prerequisites that are money draining time hogs.

Then you need to decide the selection criteria you use to select the right source of education. You can try and collect all of the information on your own or take a short cut by using a matching algorithm to connect your background and desires with the correct colleges from an Online University List.

Along the way, educating yourself about your own education is a smart option so the articles are presented for your information gain. If you remember all of the guidance counselors from high school giving you directions, using this source this time around is much better. This time you have a clue what the world is like and what you may want to do in it as opposed to just chasing the opposite gender or having fun.

Political Hunh? Moment

Rarely do I like to comment on politics as it usually boils down to which set of lies or colored truth you prefer. For the record, I am an independent who does not care for either Obama or McCain for a variety of reasons that I will keep to myself.

However there are times when a politician or devoted person to either one side or the other makes a passionate statement that leaves a person like myself trying to figure out if the speaker ever listened to themselves. In the article, Bush urges Congress to lift offshore drilling ban there were a grouping of comments that made you scratch your head. When you went back to it later in the day, it is noted that the article was corrected.

What was corrected was a numerical claim and a large segment was removed from the article for questionable purposes.

To quote the first one: Obama also said there is "no way that allowing offshore drilling would lower gas prices right now. At best you are looking at five years or more down the road." “

For Obama’s statement, the statements are truthful but when used in the context of the now truncated article they were used as justification to not do offshore drilling. That is a flaw in logic that has created this mess. For over 30 years nothing was enacted on an energy policy. If a candidate is going to make a position statement, 5 years from now would be the 1st year of their proposed second term. In business you set up 5 year goals. Doing nothing is not a goal it is continuing the problem of doing nothing.

But that wasn’t the doozy that wins the Are You Thinking? award.

"“New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, energy secretary during the Clinton administration, called it "another bad idea."

"You know this president, all he wants to do is drill, drill, drill. There is very little on conservation, on fuel efficiency for vehicles. Just last week the Congress failed to pass a solar tax credit — give more incentives to renewable energy, solar and wind. A one track mind — drill drill drill — that's not going to work," Richardson said.”

We do use oil for many more products and uses than just fuel for vehicles. It is factored into 128 non-fuel products that are in common use so the demand for it will not be tamed down just by focusing on consumer’s fuel tanks. So focusing on conservation and fuel efficiency is a misleading statement. Even if we drive cars that run on water, there will be a significant demand for oil that we could provide for ourselves. So don’t push that faulty logic. However, that is not the award winning line.

The claim of “this president, all he wants to do is drill, drill, drill” is unsubstantiated by his example of Congress failing to pass a solar tax credit. First, it is highly doubtful those in DC can ever try to pass a clean bill without some ugly unrelated item amended to it. Most importantly though is the really bad part in the comment. The Democrat party controls the majorities in the House and Senate. So it is the height of a horrid example to blame the inaction of a Democrat controlled Congress on a Republican President.

So for uttering those lines, Gov. Bill Richardson gets an Are You Thinking? award. For the AP writer and Yahoo, why did you remove it after it was published? Improper fact checking perhaps?

There are times in your life as a father and a husband where it becomes your duty to make certain your daughter is wrapped up in the best cloth you can find. Later on as life progresses, your children get to wrap you up to help keep you warm and in good spirits.

Is this all about diapers? Nah, I am talking about nap time. You or your child(ren) lay down on the couch or on top of the bed to take a time out and sleep for 30 minutes or an hour or two. You pull out the pillow but try not to disturb the rest of the neatly made bed then cover up with a blanket.

Going for a bit more sentimental approach could mean the use of photo blankets. If your daughter is wrapped up in a blanket with a collage of family photos, it makes for yet another photo opportunity to perpetuate the cycle.

If your wife is off visiting a distant relative, it helps to have some photo blankets so you can still cuddle up to her by extension. If not that, having the image of your wife sleeping imprinted on a pillow might make it a tad bit easier when you are groggy in bed.

Naturally, what is good for you is something you need to provide for your wife if the job demands you should be away for a business trip. In that case, the photo blankets will be of your uplifting mugshot to carry her on through the lonely night.

Nice to know there are ways of addressing even the lonely nights that come up every now and then.

Whenever a blogger adds an entry to their blog, the term is called posting. The past tense of that word is posted. An example of that is “Yes dear, I posted that article already.”

Now this entry is about the word “posted” but in a different sense. And yes, this is an Are You Thinking? award as well. Now how do those two things blend together? Well, we have to throw in the Green Bay Packers as well. Also, let us throw in a group of two burglars into the mix to complete the recipe.

Running back Noah Herron of the GB Packers was sleeping in his home when some burglars decided his house was next. He heard them trying to break in and called the cops. He also unscrewed his bedpost so he was armed should one of them come into his bedroom.

Well, one of them did. So if you add a bedpost swung like a baseball bat by a tough NFL running back to the head of an unsuspecting burglar that equals one nasty headache. Do I have sympathy for the burglar with a concussion? I absolutely do not.

If a person breaks the law (provided the law follows the Constitution as outlined by the Founding Fathers), they get what is coming to them. If you break in to take something that is not yours and put the lives of others at risk, yah get what is coming. This is why criminals of this nature often land in my Are You Thinking? column.

However, I believe it would be safe to conclude that the burglar in the hospital is thinking now. That is provided he can focus past the pain or the pain meds. I wonder if they have managed to get their bail posted.

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