Psychological Analysis of the White Tailed Deer

If you are looking for full scientific details of the White Tailed Deer, you can check here, here, or here. But I’m here to give you a new view of our friend with the white butt so please join us in our journey into the psyche of Da Turdy Point Buck. Oops, let’s just stick to the normal sized ones.

Similar to a lot of the people in the world, deer have a variety of personalities which show when they approach the crossing of a road. Some deer are brave going on cocky, some are cautious and wise, some young and inexperienced, and some are just flat out clueless.

Now the brave ones think they can make it across the road and daringly dash across trusting in their amazing muscles and bounding stride. But the cocky ones take it to the next level and go to the extreme. They try to hurdle fast moving cars from the side. Granted, the one that scared the crap out of my brother was a bit too cocky for his horns and almost made it. He clipped his hind hooves on the hood of the car and somersaulted into the forest. The deer survived and walked off when his world stopped spinning.

The cautious and wise deer approach the road with the wisdom garnered from watching some of their brethren getting smashed to a pulp. They look both ways before crossing a road then they go quickly when the path is clear. The truly wise deer form a single file line, wait for the cars to stop, double check the traffic to make certain it stopped then each takes their turn crossing the road. Wish we had our video camera that time.

Now the young and inexperienced either becomes a cautious and wise deer later or they are the examples to the surviving deer of what not to do. “Did you see what I meant junior? Your twin brother darted out in front of the metal monsters and look what it got him. Now they’ll just cart him away. Gotta check for traffic or be splattered.”

The clueless ones are really…well…clueless. These are the ones that look the wrong way while slowly crossing traffic on a highway. $5000 later and my car was fixed after meeting one of them.

So we can conclude that deer have personalities. Do they have souls? I can’t say for certain. I do know domestic horses do though. After all, they wear shoes.

So when you are driving in white-tailed deer territory, be on the look-out for the young & inexperienced and clueless deer. Especially if they are talking on a cell phone.



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