There is one certainty in life we must all face and come to terms with. One day, we will no longer be here. So the question above pertains to your life. Please go through this exercise with me on a piece of paper and think deeply on it.

Start by writing your full name ¼ of the way down the page. Underneath that, you need to put in your date of birth and a dash with a blank at the other end of the dash. Lastly, center six blanks under the date. This is all the space you have for all of the generations to come to read a bit about you.

Here lies the greatest challenge of what to put in those six blanks. Titles change with time and what holds meaning now will be something only historians will care about in the future. So it doesn’t matter if you are a CEO, President, Network Admin, or a Janitor, the future will have different terms for those positions if they still exist. Have you decided on what those six words will be? I have on mine.

Mine are: Perfect Husband, Awesome Father, True Friend

What are yours?

It is the dash between the dates where we live our life and the 6 words reflect the dash.

Again I ask you, what are your six words?

Make them come true. Live it!



  1. Nova  

    12:17 AM

    whoaaa... hmmm.. now u give me something to think about, but its nice though, you even give me the idea too....

    have a nice day...

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