Have you ever seen a flying octopus? How about a flying squid or better yet a flying Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni? How can an octopus or a colossal squid fly? They fly just like paper for a homeschooled kid.

Confused yet? Paper for a homeschooled kid, octopus and a colossal squid all fly using an ink jet. For all of them, there is a limit and that is when the ink runs out. Usually by then, the octopus has scurried away to safety. The colossal squid has avoided being lunch for a sperm whale. But the homework still needs printing for your child.

So it is time get a new ink cartridge for your printer. Personally, I’ve got an HP PSC 1410 three in one that requires specific ink cartridges. You could shout out across the street “Hey Brother, do you have any refills for your Canon?” But then you might get the police called for saying the word Canon then you’ll have to experience their ink blotter. At least you could get your photo printed using laser toner at the station. But I digress from octopus, squid and homeschooled kids.

Now since homeschooled kids have the greatest flexibility in scheduling, just think of how bummed you will be when you can’t print out that picture of your son or daughter catching a colossal squid in the Antarctic Ocean just because of low printer toner cartridges. It is best to have a good source to keep the cost down and the ink handy. Somehow, I don’t think the octopus or squid will help you there.


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