The Greatest Disability

There are a large number of issues considered to be a disability. Whether it is one of a myriad of potential physical disabilities ranging from temporary to degenerative to fatal, emotional based disabilities, learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities, there is one that stands above them all.

This disability is the most common disability held by many. There is no medication for this the most debilitating disability of all. I have taught children with Emotional Disturbances and a large portion of them have this. I’ve taught many Cognitively Disabled children and they do not have it. Those with Learning Disabilities are varied.

Men and women could be said to have it equally and it is not genetic. Age is not a factor either as it can strike just about anyone except the youngest. As I’ve said this disability is not based on genetics. There is no medication for it. But a cure does exist except the cure is hard to come by.

So what is this greatest disability that can ruin all aspects of your life? Some will know the answer immediately, while others will never be able to answer the question. The greatest disability in life is a bad attitude.

A bad attitude is not genetic based. There is no medicine for a bad attitude. There is no excuse for a bad attitude. But there is a cure. The cure is change. You choose what you are exposed to. You choose what information goes in your mind from what you watch, what you read, who you listen to and who you hang out with. Garbage in, garbage out. Do you want to get rid of a bad attitude?

Then you must be willing to do the hardest thing that a person can do.



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