Preventable Disabilities

In my time as a teacher, I spent most of my time in the Special Education classrooms working with those with Emotional Disturbances and often the Cognitive Disabilities classroom. Those with physical disabilities were placed based on their intellectual capabilities. How many of these disabilities of the mental, emotional or physical sort was preventable is something I would not fully know.

Some of those disabilities are genetic but some of those could have been prevented. Perhaps a few were caused by improper prenatal care, some by poor parenting choices, and some created by malpractice. This is something I am all too familiar with as I was born with club feet and a combination of doctor errors starting when I wasn’t even 1 year old and others later in life. Speaking from experience, being proactive and taking preventative measures is far better than being reactive and spending a life of adjustments. Life is tough enough, no need to give a child more challenges to start with.

My sister-in-law is one who has suffered permanent brain damage courtesy of an error by a nurse. But there are other preventable forms of brain damage such as Kernicterus. Kernicterus is caused by untreated jaundice when a baby is born. My nephew was born with jaundice but the causes would generate a new entry. Fortunately for him, the jaundice was treated and that has not caused further issues.

Children with Kernicterus are given an unnecessary challenge much as I was. A good doctor similar to the one who made the error in my infancy readily admits to their error. He was forgiven by my parents as he was truly sorry for the error. But there is medical staff, such as that nurse that started the brain damage in my sister-in-law, guilty of incompetence and need to be removed from the profession for the greater good of all. A career path for a shortened life is more than a fair exchange.


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