Revisiting the topic of Origins of Life, I’ll lay it out at the basic core level. Real science operates on the scientific method and requires proof before a hypothesis is given credibility. On the topic of Origins, proof is impossible to attain as we obviously weren’t there to witness it.

However, you will have many different sides claiming they “know” the unrecorded past and must be right. Like the majority of the “evidence” used, the positions are based on assumptions and opinions. The debate topic must come down to the data and the proof. If it remains about opinions, then it is no better than debating whether you like Wolverine or Iron Man better.

The greatest challenge to the Theory of Evolution is the burden of proof. It assumes new genetic material has been added to a single cell to transform that one cell into every animal and plant we see today. The primary answer to the challenge is all those changes take a lot of time to do or somehow magically occurred in radical jumps. Do the evidence and the data support the assumptions of large amounts of time or go against it? Is there a time demand crunch?

In a previous article Inconsistent History in 1st Grade, I brought up the research regardingmitochondrial Eve’. When the ‘age of Eve’ was calculated based on observed data not assumed data, the answer came to about 6000-6500 years. That timeframe makes sense when compared to the human population growth curves and the sticking point of recorded history only goes back 5000 years. Any statements making claims beyond what is recorded history is guesswork.

By herself, ‘Eve’ does not provide enough data to constrain the time demands. How about we give ‘Eve’ a diamond to match? In particular, recent studies on diamonds have determined the existence of 14C or radioactive carbon. This study called RATE went through the process of having natural diamonds crushed then tested in a blind, valid test and the results came back positive for radioactive carbon. Merging this up with my prior article on the Positives of Radioactive Carbon 14 Testing means there is a hard cap of less than 90,000 years for the ToE to work within. The ‘light’ reading work done prior to the RATE can be found here.

Let us turn to the popular dinosaurs and what they can add to this time issue because they are assumed to be 65+ million years old.

One group of men including a geologist traveled to Alaska to search for dinosaur fossils. What they found were un-fossilized dinosaur bones, partially petrified bones and some that were frozen. While this by itself doesn’t set an age, it does create an issue. Frozen dinosaur remains in Alaska would indicate they lived until the ice age. That throws off the standard time line just a tad.

To be continued...


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