When Kids get Hurt, Who's to Blame?
In the physical world, when something goes wrong and assistance is needed there are proper locations to call on for aid. The Police, Emergency Medical and Fire Department are great examples of this. However, if someone were to suggest those departments should be held legally liable because they didn't stop something from happening without any notification, that person would be laughed at as having crossed the line into total ridiculous level. Humans are not omni-present and omniscient. The Emergency services have telephone numbers and 911. MySpace (and other service providers) can put age limitations (easily circumvented) or employ thousands to watch every single text dialogue, photo or video posting on their website or do what they have done (destroying the viability of the service with huge cost). MySpace has these "Emergency Contact" links at the bottom. "Contact MySpace", "Report Inappropriate Content", "Safety Tips" all sound like their version of 911 to me.
Like one poster said, "Should we sue the phone companies for providing a phone service that allowed two individuals engaging in unlawful or stupid acts to talk? Perhaps we should sue all car manufacturers when their vehicles were used in a crime? That would be ridiculous. Or should we sue fast food companies because their food made us fat? Oops, someone tried that and it was thrown out of court for being ridiculous. At least that judge understood the person who decided to travel to the fast food place, buy their food and stick in their mouth is responsible for their own mess. Parents need to do as much as is possible with raising their children right from the start and using the technology available to shield their children from wrong material. Ignorance is not an excuse in a court of law. Stupid decisions and foolish choices are not excusable either."
However, all blame can not be shifted to a service provider or the parent. The person who is typing on the keyboard bears the ultimate responsibility. If a child posts or participates in wrongful activity and it is reported so it can be caught, punish the child so they learn responsibility and accountability lessons.
I was a teacher and I'm a father. It all starts with the role models we as parents give to our kids. Then it falls to society as a whole to quit blaming others like whiners and value personal accountability for all ages. I have also had the displeasure of watching the blame others game in full action. I’ve watched it happen in the lives of my siblings. It has only served to destroy their own lives as those who won’t accept the responsibility and doomed their young (under 10 yr old) children to a much more difficult life trying to overcome their parents’ poor example. At the same time, I know of some adults who chose as a young child to follow the better road despite their environment and role models. It ALL comes down to personal choice and taking the responsibility and accountability for those choices. No excuses for anyone.
12:36 PM
Well said, It is choices. I grew up in a messed up family but I chose not to do it. You name it, from criminals-abusers etc--but I made a difference. That's why God has given us the ability to decide or let me say "common sense." My space are supposed to be fun but people started exploiting the website!!
I enjoyed reading your entry!
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