All Those Other Standard Topics 2
Death Penalty – I’m for it with a twist. If you can prove with all certainty a person committed a murder, there shouldn’t be much debate on what is a “cruel and unusual punishment”. I go with the Golden Rule as a punishment guideline on this one. How they killed the victim will be their manner of death. I think that would trim a few murders down.
Abortion – Microbiology has concluded that life begins at conception. So that makes ending the life quite simply – murder. See the above on Death Penalty. What about women’s right to choose? Well, that ended when the woman chooses to hop into bed. After that comes taking the responsibility about the choice. Since microbiology determines that person growing inside of you is alive, then it is that baby’s body not the woman’s. If a woman wants to abort their body, that is called suicide and is their choice. What about incest? See prior statement about choice. What about for the health of the mother? It needs to be far better defined as it is massively abused with semantics. I cannot think of a more horrible decision as a future parent – Choose between the death of the child, the death of my wife or the death of both. What about in terms of rape? Why kill the kid? Make the rapist a eunuch and watch the rate of rape cases plummet. Cruel and unusual punishment you say? To whom, the victim or the criminal? Golden Rule punishment style is what I say.
Oh and as for the standard arguments for abortion, please let me ask you this question: If any of the normal statements apply to a child developing in the womb are used, just what could your parents have said about you during puberty?
What was my argumentative paper in English 102 in college? Was it gun control, death penalty, abortion, or some other standard topic? Nah, I proved Bart Simpson was NOT an Underachiever. Total line of BS but I had 14 sources to back me up. Might as well make it about a BS topic as that was my degree too – B.S.
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