Now you may be wondering if you are inclined towards mathematics, how is it possible for there to be problems in mathematics? Where are the omissions, the falsehoods, and distortions?

That would be a good and rationale line of questioning. To answer that, let me give you a bit of my background. I was a Math major in college. I know my Trigonometry, Algebra, Calculus, Math Logic, and Abstract Math. I’ve had Geometry at all the levels as well as Statistics and many of the other forms involved. All of them boil down to the answers you generate must be the same on both sides of the equals sign. The procedures you use to calculate answers must be done correctly to generate correct results. It is easy to tell of you did the math right or wrong.

With the exclusion of T-Proofs in Geometry, there is no room or measure for assumptions in math. It is guaranteed to throw off your calculations. Math doesn’t lie, right?

Well, correct. If properly executed, the procedures in math do not lie as math is neutral. Math is rather cold hard and logical. There isn’t any give in it. So how does it land on my topics of problems in math?

The problems in math stem from the strength of math. Math is cold, hard, and logical. There is no give in it. Either you did the math right, or you did the math wrong. So to the multitudes, math evidence can be called on as a solid argument in a topic. That is the problem. The multitudes are indirectly fed information and bravado to not question mathematical evidence. They give in to the assumption that math doesn’t lie.

They are right and wrong. The answers generated are likely executed correctly mathematically. Where most fail to see the flaw is the people using the math may not be honest. The procedures of math are the same. But those using mathematics can insert selective numbers to fabricate misleading computations. Math doesn’t lie. People do. So those with a reason to distort the results do so by distorting the data so the answer is what they want it to be – not what it truly is.



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