Another definition is provided as Nielsen's Definition of Social Studies: "The study of human culture and social interaction in time and space for the purposes of enhancing citizenship participation."
Another definition: commonly used and found in most searches: “Social Studies is the integrated study of the social sciences to prepare young people to become responsible citizens.”
With all of the topics I have previously commented on, this one should be seen easily.
Who defines what a “responsible citizen” is? What value system and belief system are the authors of the curriculum using?
Perhaps it goes without saying but guiding the curriculum especially at a federal level can easily change the perspectives of the masses into believing what you want them to believe. For me, that is disconcerting as it is a shift of power over the people to the federal government and “professionals.” This coupled with the apathy taught into the masses of the USA brings the words of a historical figure to mind.
“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think. “
Adolf Hitler
“There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons . . . Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man.”
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
“When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”
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