I was glancing through the online news today and saw a few headlines at Yahoo. Now before I go on, I normally do not hold most of what Yahoo posts up to high esteem as they take a liberal and rather distorted view on things. But in the article Ahmadinejad questions 9/11, Holocaust there was one thing that jumped out at me and not the give and take on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

What jumped out at me was IPMA’s (The name is just too long to keep typing.) statement on homosexuality in Iran and the reaction of the Columbia crowd to his statements. Now I’m not privy to the exact details of life in Iran as it is hard to get much info out of there you can validate. But it did underline a few things I have come to notice on the topic of homosexuality.

To quote from the article:

“Asked about executions of homosexuals in Iran, Ahmadinejad said the judiciary system executed violent criminals and high-level drug dealers, comparing them to microbes eliminated through medical treatment. Pressed specifically about punishment of homosexuals, he said: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

With the audience laughing derisively, he continued: "In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this."”

Now a lot of what IPMA says is off base or flat out badly skewed propaganda that anyone with a brain can see through. However, I would agree with his statements that they do not have the homosexual phenomenon in Iran. I would also conclude the Columbia crowd was acting ignorant and rude in their derisive laughter.

Without going into details on the science side, homosexuality is not genetic. It may be due to improper prenatal care and definitely heavily influenced by societal pressures but not genetic. Also engaging in the act of two men or two women being intimate together and forming a close relationship is something primarily exclusive to Western cultures and those heavily influenced by the Western nations. It is arrogant to assume and assert Western cultural standards (debatable as they are) should be the norm everywhere.

In the Philippines (from my wife's perspective), those who are gay are the kids who stay and take care of their parents as they have no family to tend to of their own. The term “gay” is defined as a person who does not have interest in the opposite gender, not what it is defined as here. What they don’t do is flaunt the medically dangerous cohabitation and lifestyle as it is a cultural taboo to many. What more would the cultural norms be if it is in terms of the strict cultures of countries influenced by Islam and other strict societies?

Would it be beyond the comprehension of this collegiate level crowd to think a person not interested in the opposite gender just remains single with his / her fly zipped up because of where they live and what they were taught?

So for this entry, I hereby award the “Are You Thinking?” award to the crowd at the University of Columbia. Good job at showing IPMA how “educated” you are.



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