Of my injuries, I have 5 permanent or reoccurring injuries which are to my right ankle, left ankle, right hip, 1 vertebra in my mid back and my big toe on my right foot. How I injured my big toe is a story all unto itself that is nearly unbelievable and hilarious (kinda). My right ankle was injured and started to break down by simply getting out of bed. I rolled over and put my foot down and crack. The pain started right away but each day went by with 8-10 more cracks and more pain. Just not fun.
One year later, the ankle bone in my left foot gave way when I went to get a drink of water. Literally all I did was step into the kitchen and crack. Then it ballooned up to 3x its normal size full of blood.
My right hip was a combo that killed it. I did a little bit of overstretching in a Tae Kwon Do class and popped it a bit. Then I went up to help my parents, aunt and cousins to clean out my Grandma’s house as she had passed away. None of us thought of taking the basement door trim off or the upright freezer handles before we tried to get it up from the basement.
Guess who got to hold the entire bugger up on the steps while they took off the handles, the basement door and the trim off? Me, lovely. Since I didn’t want to die by being crushed by a freezer, I didn’t have much of a choice. I challenge you to try that exercise. Try holding a freezer upright at nearly the top of an enclosed stairwell for 15 minutes.
The reoccurring vertebra that keeps slipping in and out was injured by my sneezing at work. The call center company was rather cheap especially on the chairs so my chair only came up to my mid back. Now I have quite a powerful sneeze. After enough times, the vertebra right above the top of the back of my chair started to slip in and out with each sneeze. It continues to this day. My wife and daughter duck when I sneeze. As for the permanent injury to my big toe on the right foot, I was sleeping in bed and had a dream. Yup, I got a permanent physical injury from a dream. Guess what the next entry will be.
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