For those who have had their fill with the public school system, other options look enticing. These options range from parochial schools, private schools, charter schools, or homeschool. For us and our circumstances, homeschooling is the path we have chosen for our daughter.
Each one of those educational choices has its strengths and weaknesses which need to be balanced out with your values, your health, financial and personal circumstances, and schedules. For homeschooling, having a greater say in the curriculum and major flexibility in scheduling are two of the top perks. However, the top two negatives come in the time needed for lesson planning and prep and cost factor.
I am all for having flexibility in choices and doing away with the top down curriculum methods that end up being a fight between parents vs. schools. The free market is the ticket to do better by our children but it requires thinking out-of-the-box with our current economic structure of the country that is heavily in debt. To enable parents to work independent of government handouts, K-12 Free Homeschool has devised a means for parents to save on time on the lesson planning without surrendering control and save on the budget through a brilliant atypical approach.
No matter your worldview perspective, the manner in which K-12 Free Homeschooling has organized the financing portion of the curriculum is more than worthy of study. This is a great example of working with companies, non-profits and private donations to provide a quality service at an affordable cost to the average family. It is largely tuition free. How? I’ll let them give you the details. Here's how it can be tuition-free.
Regarding the curriculum, there are two major pluses in my book that K-12 FH offers. First, the parents are involved in the curriculum through surveys and critiques. This combined with having 180 days worth of lessons plans makes for a huge plus. Parental feedback, guidance and general input is far superior to the dictating method assuming parents are easily malleable.
Next is a category I am absolutely a pain in the rear on. Is the educational system up-front and honest on their intents and goals? Do they specify their worldview stance before you start so you can make an informed decision? The answer is yes. K-12 FH does delineate their worldview stance or beliefs from the onset before you make a choice. Take it or leave it, their stance is an “authentically Christian education.” Their curriculum is also direct to the point as can be seen at Course Catalog. I can respect an institution that states their ideology upfront and sticks to it. That is far superior to the deceptive methods disguising an unstated ideology all too common in the public schools.
Is K-12 Free Homeschool for you and your child(ren)? That is up to you to decide based on your factors. But the financial structure is quite ingenious and worth studying closely for this or other community-sponsored school academies.