I will touch on a topic I previously mentioned I wouldn’t say much on. But I feel it is necessary to do so in this circumstance. The topic is abortion and one of the primary reasons why some claim it should be available.

Of the many reasons some use to try and justify an abortion, one of them is because the baby to be has a ‘severe’ disability. The term ‘severe’ is a subjective term depending on the viewpoint of an individual or group. ‘Severe’ pain that sends one person running to the ER will be ignored by another who just uses superglue to close a gash. So it is a subjective term.

As shown in the article Babies with minor disabilities aborted, points out even minor disabilities, such as a cleft palate or club foot, were used at grounds for an abortion. This is an article from the UK but it is easy to believe the same is happening here.

Club feet, one of the most common birth defects in Britain, affects around 700 children every year.

It results in the feet pointing downwards and inwards, but it can be corrected without surgery using splints, plaster casts and boots.
Despite improvements in treatment, the data suggests there remains a perception among some parents and doctors that club foot is a serious birth defect.

The Abortion Act allows termination at any stage of pregnancy if two doctors agree there is a "substantial risk" of the child being "serious handicapped".
But the scope of the term is left to the doctors' discretion, and some fear the definition of "handicap" is widening as scanning technology develops.

I completely and totally disagree with that line of rationale. Quite simply, any child in the womb that has a disability is a life altering gift to the parents and family. It depends on the viewpoint of the potential parents if they want to make it a positive. In my blunt and honest opinion, those who chose to abort a baby that has a disability of any sort are self-centered cowards.

Why such a strong statement from me? First a few details about me. I was born in 1971 prior to Roe v. Wade being passed in 1973. My parents are wonderful, hard working folks with solid morals. After a number of miscarriages and 3 adoptions, I was given to them as a surprise gift when they were 32 years old. One other crucial detail to this entry, I was born with club feet.

So just try to come up with any rationale that you think might work to explain why I should be dead. For that matter since I’ve involved myself in the lives of those with disabilities of both the severe and mental sort, just try to tell me why they should have been killed. Due note, the first casualties of Hitler’s Holocaust were the disabled. So what is the rationale? I’m waiting for an answer.

What impact would my not being here have had on this world?

  1. My father would have died in my mother’s arms June 20, 2001.
  2. My daughter would not be here changing lives as she cares about encouraging others to believe in themselves and be happy.
  3. My wife’s parents would have lost their house.
  4. My wife’s father would have died on one of two different occasions.
  5. My wife’s brother would have not survived a motorcycle accident.
  6. Two children who are now my nephews would have died from encephalitis and other tropical diseases.
  7. A niece on my side would have continued to be abused and likely ran away by the age of 10.
  8. My brother-in-law would not be able to support his family of himself, his wife and 2 daughters with more than one likely passing away from malnutrition or tropical diseases in the Philippines.

So again what possible rationale can someone come up with to convince me and all those in my life why I should be dead? Try telling it to my wife.
Wonder why I’m opposed to abortion now? I would suppose not.


  1. Anonymous  

    7:46 PM

    This is a very powerful entry :). It is reminescent of A Wonderful Life, a story where a suicidal man was forced by an angel to review the ways he positively affected the people in his small town.

    Sometimes we forget the GOOD things we have done, since we're in a society where it's supposedly unmannerly (or whatever) to blow our own horns. But we NEED to look at the good we've done from time to time to see how well we've done.

    And your daughter sounds like a real jewel. I dearly love upbeat people who encourage others to see the best in themselves.

    I, for one, am very glad you are here among the living :).

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