First Morris, Now Rudolph

There must truly be some feelings of inadequacy in the white tail deer population. They raid the gumdrop supplies in school, now they are trying to pull a reverse Rudolph / Santa. Rudolph and the other twelve reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh so he can hop into the chimneys and deliver the toys.

Unfortunately for our white-tail friends, they can’t fly and they don’t fit down chimneys too well. It could be a fear of becoming smoked venison though. So what do they do instead? The headline says it all.

Deer invades basement of Mich. home.

“SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. - When Jody Fabry descended the basement stairs to her seasonal home and saw broken glass on the floor, then spied what caused the mess, she didn't know who was more frightened — her, or the deer that was the culprit.

A young doe apparently got into the basement through a window, then couldn't get out. Fabry called officers to her home, but it was more difficult than it looked to remove the animal. Officers eventually ended up chasing it around the basement until it jumped back out the way it came, then bounded off. The deer, which Fabry guessed had been in the unoccupied home for a day, appeared to be unhurt.”

I guess you could say that the doe learned to fly when given enough motivation. It flew back out that basement window.

Somehow though, I think this white-tail didn’t act like Santa. I’m certain what she left behind wasn’t a toy and wasn’t coal. I’m thinking it may be more in the brown color.


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