From the perspective of a husband, sometimes you may be led to believe your wife has a temporary bipolar condition when it is that time of the month. Well, that would not be a truthful assumption.

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as Manic depression, is quite a bit different than such a short time period. (pun intended) Currently, it is being heavily diagnosed almost to the level ADHD was diagnosed for the past few decades. Like all issues in life, caution has to be put into place to not misdiagnose because of a current fad.

So how can you the layperson know if you or your child is bipolar or not? The same answer applies to all issues and that is to get solid information that you know to be comprehensive and accurate.

From personal experience, I know 3-4 persons who truly have the bipolar disorder in my life. Dealing with them can be a roller coaster ride and it does cause a fair amount of strain on family ties and friendships. Also, as a former teacher of the Emotionally Disturbed, I’ve dealt with this directly with children. As with many issues, bipolar ranges in severity and in my opinion medication should be avoided if at all possible.

No matter the situation though information is crucial and the linked website carries a lot of it. So if you or someone you know may have the disorder, study to double check the accuracy and to be prepared. I grew up with a sibling with the bipolar disorder before it was diagnosed. Information would have gone a long ways in helping out.


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