In this installment of Are You Thinking, the new winners of this award go out to the Bush Administration, Brit Hume and many members of the Republican Presidential nominees. Normally, I will avoid politics in this blog but the media have really trumped up the stupidity level.
I am referring to the Iranian speedboat “threat” and the taped threats issued that is currently being used as more saber-rattling this time on the side of a few in the Pentagon and in the Bush Administration.
First, I must question if anyone involved has ever been in a speedboat or for that matter an open fishing boat. It seems like all involved went out to lunch on this one. Anyone who has even gone fishing on a lake can tell you it is noisy inside a boat going over the water with its motor running. The slap of the waves against the hull, the wind whistling in your face, the roar of the engine all drown out everything except the shouting back and forth. When you listen to the verbal “threats,” there is no background noise.
Furthermore, the “heavy accent” as purported by the media and the Administration has me questioning another crucial detail. Has any member of the media, the editors, journalists or any advisors to the President ever worked in a call center? The supposed “heavy accent” sounded more like a guy playing an “I’m gonna get you” game with his kid than a Middle Eastern accent. Now reports are out this may be a heckler.
Now, I’m not defending the often overblown statements of the Iranian leaders but please. Who in the Bush Admin thought this was a good idea to publish this information as something to use against the Iranians? It is quite lame and reminiscent of a certain info campaign a few years back regarding Iran’s neighbor and WMD’s.
Next part, who is going to accept five 2-man speedboats are a major threat to a US Destroyer class warship? The Iranians are not going to take the first shot and give the US justification to counter. They might be trying to bait the US into shooting at them to show US as the aggressor. But I would give 5 frogs a better chance at surviving a stampede of panicked elephants than 5 speedboats against a Destroyer and supporting vessels.
Let’s see….Note the two person boat on the right nearer to the camera for size comparison.
Let’s see….Note the two person boat on the right nearer to the camera for size comparison.

Now where to Brit Hume and the Republican Presidential candidates get the award? Cause they didn’t use their brains either and went for the easy cheap shots on Dr. Ron Paul.
He was one of few to not go for the easy sound bite of ‘sending the Iranians straight to Hell’ or ‘sending them to get their 40 virgins’. Instead he was the only one who pointed out what a ridiculous non-story this whole topic is.
Why was this non-story ever released by the Bush Admin? So Brit Hume, the rest of the Republican presidential nominees gets the Are You Thinking award for opening their mouth before using their grey matter. The Bush Admin gets the award for just pulling a lame bone-head attempt at causing issues. Give it a rest already.
He was one of few to not go for the easy sound bite of ‘sending the Iranians straight to Hell’ or ‘sending them to get their 40 virgins’. Instead he was the only one who pointed out what a ridiculous non-story this whole topic is.
Why was this non-story ever released by the Bush Admin? So Brit Hume, the rest of the Republican presidential nominees gets the Are You Thinking award for opening their mouth before using their grey matter. The Bush Admin gets the award for just pulling a lame bone-head attempt at causing issues. Give it a rest already.
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