As the debate continues to rage about global warming, some of the most fundamental aspects of any study are being ignored by the greater media (surprise, surprise). One of the leading contenders of global warming has been tagged to be the sun. But there is greater proof that the increase in reported temperatures is truly man-made just not in the manner Al Gore and company would have you believe.

Boiling it all down, it is well known much of the hype is full of hot air. Basic science requires one to follow the data. However, that assumes if the data is accurate. If the data is inaccurate, then it is time to go back to the scientific drawing board and do it over. Especially before we do something foolish as have the Congress make rash decisions and implement fixes to a non-issue.

As is being documented by a number of volunteers, there are 1221 weather stations that gather data used to determine changes in temperature and weather. They have visited 502 sites so far with many more to go on a shoestring budget. To demonstrate their findings, a number of sites have been put up such as Watt’s Up With That? archive, the newer version found here, and Surface Stations which is upgrading due to heavy traffic. The basic standards call for any weather station to meet a set of standard specifications with one of the most important of being 100 feet away asphalt, concrete, buildings, vehicles and the like.

Quite simply, the devil is in the details to use a phrase. If the data collected is in error then contorted even further by politicians and enthusiasts, it all adds up to a much greater problem. Once again it falls to the populace to become educated about real science by itself and keep all of these various interested parties honest. This starts at home with the parents correcting erroneous information pressed on the kids at school.

Oh, minor detail as well. That data shows no warming since 1998 which can be found at most valid scientific sources. Additionally, much of the data cited by Al Gore conveniently has only been done within my lifetime. So to make long term projections out of short term recordings and potentially inaccurate recordings is folly.


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