But the worst was when the Principal made an error with the public address system and broad casted her morning announcements to everyone outside which included me. Her main line threw me for a loop. I couldn’t believe a person that ignorant and uneducated was put into a position of guiding the education of hundreds of children.

She had gone on the PA system and declared which student found out the name of the first black Congresswoman in the US Congress. No problem there. Her next line though was “It will truly be a wonderful day when Congress will reflect the population of the USA.” Wow, that’s sad. She didn’t know a few minor details found in the USA Census and the Wisconsin Census.

Before any statement can be made, you need people who are willing to run for those offices. That cannot be quantified. But population figures can be. Also, census numbers for a state do not reflect the other key factor involved and that is the population distribution in the district of a given Senator or Representative whether it be on the State or Federal level. In Wisconsin, 90% of the population is white. The black population is only 6% and most are concentrated in the Milwaukee as are the Asian (2%), Hispanic (4.7%) and others. That makes the highest percentage chance of a Latino female Representative coming from the same district as the Asian and black populations as well as still a large percentage being white.

So if we look at this Principal’s wish on a federal level we would have a Congress that is:

20% High School Drop-Out
25% College Educated
55% High School Grad only

By ethnicity as I refuse to call them races (we are all part of the human race just different shades of skin & hair):

80% White
15% Hispanic
13% Black
4.5% Asian
1% Native American

That is if we choose to ignore details on where the populations are in corresponding districts. Obviously, some identified themselves in multiple categories. We also have to ignore that the vast majority of those in Congress are college educated lawyers so there goes any chance at balance in career distribution too.

With great leaders like these at the helms of schools, no wonder skills in Math, Science and logic suck.

So why do we homeschool? Do I really need to say more?


  1. Anonymous  

    4:41 PM

    Administrators like those are the ones who need a slap in the face to wake up to reality. That just floors me that that principal was so... uneducated.

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