No matter the statements made about how the public school system is neutral on the topic of religion it amounts to little more than a public relations spin. To proclaim such a standard is pushing a blatant falsehood or con game on the population. I will be blunt in my statement. There is no neutral group or individual that includes humans in its numbers.

Each person brings their own set of ideas, bias, world view and opinion into whatever they do. It takes incredible discipline to separate out your stances from your work and remain neutral. That degree of discipline is quite rare and where it does exist, it sure will not get air time. Those who strive for the air time are those who want their opinions and bias heard.

Anyone that pays attention to what is being taught in the public schools knows the answer to the next question. Are the public schools neutral on the topic of religion? Obviously, the answer is a resounding no. It is the height of naiveté to believe religion and views on morality could ever be separated in a public school setting. To remove one that was taught for 150 years and declare “no religion” will be supported is a rather weak sales pitch. But it is a sales pitch bought because many do not pay attention to what their tax dollars are being spent on.

Is there any proof of religion in education? Quite simply, the answer is yes. The NEA long has had the stance of driving out the influences of Christianity and the parents because the group felt it knew better than the rest on how to raise a child. Is there a document trail to support my statements? Yes, there is.

On the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website in the science section, they have issued their statement on the topic On the Nature of Science and the Teaching of Evolution and have stood by it since 1982. In their list of resources, they cite the National Center of Science Education (NCSE) and some of their articles. Let us follow the trail though shall we?

The NCSE comes straight out and says what it stands for right away on the homepage of their website.

“The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) defends the teaching of evolution in public schools. We are a nationally-recognized clearinghouse for information and advice to keep evolution in the science classroom and "scientific creationism" out. NCSE is the only national organization to specialize in this issue.”

On their website, they declare themselves to be neutral on the topic of religion. Give me a break, no group or agency is neutral. The NCSE is led by Executive Director Eugenie Scott since 1987 in a small building with about 10 or so staff members on-site. Can we draw the conclusion that since the position statement of NSCE is they are neutral on religion that the Executive Director is neutral too? Logically, we can’t. Would it be fair to say the opinions and bias of the Executive Director would have an impact on the operations of NCSE? Since that is how any business or group is run, obviously yes.

to be continued...


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