Who AM I?

About me:

How old am I?

I’m in my 30’s and old enough for those first few gray hairs to start saying hello. But I still have my full head of hair.

Where am I from?

I grew up in a small urban area in Central Wisconsin USA surrounded by trees, deer, lakes and nature.

What was life like growing up?

My family life growing up schooled me very well on the need to figure yourself out and standing up for your beliefs no matter if they weren’t popular opinion. That and my family is far from the norm so I have plenty of inspiration as to knowing what I didn’t want when I had my own family.

Where have you been?

Let’s see. I’ve been to about half of the states and a few countries and growing in number. I strongly recommend going into third world country areas so you can appreciate life in the USA better.

What do you value?

Truth, honesty, observation, and understanding are at the top but relationships are where success in life lies.

Who do you value?

There are no greater flesh & blood human beings on this Earth to me outside of my wife & daughter. I love my parents but I married my wife. :D

What do I do?

Well, I’m a stay-at-home Dad who home schools his daughter while generating income on the Internet in a variety of methods including writing.

What is your experience?

I am a former teacher who has worked in all grades, Special Education and in the Business world. It is quite enlightening to see topics from many sides. Recently in the last 3 ½ years I’ve started collecting problem joints in my body. I’m going for the full set.

What is one quirk about you?

I am a paradox on legs. I’m equally as left-brained as I am right-brained. I’m equally as logical as I am creative. I can whip out articles in the first draft that can tickle a funny bone or really make you think. At the same time, I’m organizing my candy hearts by color and saying. Don’t challenge me to a computer game as I will quickly figure out the logic in the programming and maximize the weaknesses of the patterns to my advantage.

What can we expect in your writing?

I look at issues and topics from an outsider’s point of view looking at all sides objectively. You will find me to be very blunt, sometimes humorous, but you won’t mistake my stance. If you feel offended by my writing, great!! If you feel challenged, great!!
What is your argument style?
In real life, my debate style takes people off guard. My best friend in college always grimaced when someone tried to take me on over the lunch hour. So did the rest at the table. I employ an Ali Rope-A-Dope method in my arguments. After I have allowed you to thoroughly destroy your own position by some questions of mine, then I’ll point out the fallacy or conflicting points of your logic before I present my own. It makes it tough to counter argue when you’ve already killed your own point.


  1. Michelle (The Beartwinsmom)  

    9:39 PM

    I really like your "about me" page. It sounds like we have much in common. Thanks for adding me to your Blog Roll (I have no idea how long ago you did that, but thanks!!! I should reciprocate the "link love" :-) ).

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog. If I remember correctly, didn't you have a different blog design before?

    Warm regards,
    Michelle aka The Beartwinsmom

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