As One Door Closes…..

So what impact would those ankle ailments have on your life? Would it shut you down? Seriously limit you or maybe cost you to lose or highly alter your employment? Would you look to the State to support you? Would you be looking for pity? I’ll get to most of my answers soon enough.

To cover the last question though, this blog is meant to educate not garnish me pity. I do not need it nor want it. I’m fine with who I am and the limitations on my life, well most of the time, you’ll understand soon.

First though you do need to understand an issue those with physical challenges face. Yes, there is a primary physical issue but almost always there are secondary medical issues caused by your body being thrown out of whack by the big one. When I started using my arms to support more of my weight, my ankle injuries triggered bursitis in one elbow and tendinitis in the other. Additionally, I had issues with my right hip and lower back as the height of the right foot was higher than the left because of the brace while in socks. It didn’t help that I had previously injured that hip years ago either (upright freezer, stairwell, you get the picture).

Similarly, nearly all the friends I have who have challenges face the same thing. They have a primary ailment with a number of secondary ailments. And yah, it does hurt worse some days than others but you get used to it the best you can. How can I talk so nonchalant about the litany of ailments I’ve got? The answer is courtesy of some very long time friends. See, there are plenty of others with far worse ailments. Some persons have far more painful or life shortening issues than I, they all have something in common.

Our physical problems do not define who we are, just what we can do. One of my childhood and long time friends is a paraplegic. He is confined to a wheelchair for life. His attitude is what inspires me still to this day. His infectious positive attitude and dreaming of attaining goals left a permanent mark on my life.

As life went on, he attained his goal. Take a guess what it was. Ready? He became a race car mechanic. Our disabilities do not define who we are. They might limit what we can do but a person can still find a way. Thanks Bobby.



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