Name That Tune

Tra la, la la la la, la la la la. Need more hints? Think blue and white standing three apples high. Yes, I am dating myself but I just have to have some fun. I’m a kid of the 80’s and I’m having a blast with all of the things I grew up on going to the big screen.

I read the entire Chronicles of Narnia back then. Now we get the second installment of Prince Caspian.

On the ‘real’ side, Knight Rider is returning with a new KITT. I do miss my Airwolf. Street Hawk took the motorcycle category.

A-Team just can’t be duplicated. Quantum Leap was always cool. But Star Trek: The Next Generation dominated the TV Sci Fi. Dukes of Hazard was a fun country show. Greatest American Hero was a favorite of mine – I still want the red suit. MacGyver was my hero. But it was the cartoons that were the best.

Transformers and Optimus Prime were always far better than the Gobots and Leader-1. The movie beats the current cartoon versions. You don’t call out your attack and prep your opponent. Get better writers. Generation 1 will always be the best of the animated. Robotech Macross was cool just hard to find.

He-Man was just sad but I watched it. The Thunder Cats were cool. I must admit a guilty pleasure in watching Dungeons and Dragons. GI Joe had the clarion call of “Knowing is half the battle.” Saturday mornings were not complete without the Super Friends. With the best human cartoon being Battle of the Planets (Okay, that was in the late 70’s.)!

Can you name which show these lines from songs belonged too?

“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air”

“More than meets the eye.”

“Just the Good ole boys, never meaning any harm”

But what about “Tra la, la la la la, la la la la”? Stumped? Or did you figure it out? Yes, Papa Smurf, Smurfette and Brainy are coming to the big screen. Just where are they going to get all those other female Smurfs from? Get your Smurf Berry pie ready!!


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