To Pay or To Play

At one of the meetings I attended, a speaker gave a line that I never forgot. It is a line that we as parents have taken to heart and convey to our daughter. The phrase is a lesson about life that holds true when a person wisely steps back and neutrally observes the people in the world around them.

“We must all make a decision in life. You can play now and pay later or pay now and play later. But be warned, the longer you wait to pay, the greater the price.”

We have all seen this come true in either our own lives or in the lives of people we have come into contact with. However, not everyone is that observant to life around them. Far too many bounce through this life oblivious to the wisdom surrounding them if they would only look.

So what do you look for? Those who choose to pay now are those who get to work, use their head to work smart and set themselves up to enjoy life after they have the money issue tamed down. Another key sign is these are individuals who keep their eye on ‘the bigger picture’ and know to focus on others and not themselves. That is where the wisdom and knowledge is at.

What does it mean you pay a bigger price if you play now? This is actually very, very easy to find as it is all too common at least here in the USA. Listen for the phrases “When is he/she going to grow up and take responsibility?” or “Hopefully, he / she will become an adult when they are 40 or they never will.” When a person focuses on his / her own wants, they do not realize the price they are going to pay.

When you focus only on yourself that is the only person you will be with when you need others. That is the greatest price to pay especially when you reach the latter half of your life.

The saddest part is there is nothing you can do but watch. Until the person wants to change, anything you say is wasted breath.


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