Even though I am not one to comment on events much or people at all, the situation with Michael Vick does deserve a little commentary for my Misc. category and try to discern who if anyone should get the “Are You Thinking?” award.

Most everyone has heard about Michael Vick’s dog fighting charges. The case had so much evidence that it went lightning fast due to it being an open and shut solid case. Hence, Michael Vick pled guilty to some reduced federal charges. It appears he will still face the Virginia District Attorney though and may be looking at more time but behind Virginia state bars.

Additionally, he has lost his $130 million contract, soon to have his $22 million signing bonus sent back to the Atlanta Falcons, lost numerous big money endorsements, his good name and who knows what will happen between him, his family and his pregnant fiancée.

Dog fighting is sadistic and the details of the case are hard to read as it will churn a stomach. No, dog fighting cannot be equated with deer hunting, turkey hunting, etc except for maybe big game hunting on a ranch. I don’t support big game hunting on a ranch at all. But the other versions of hunting are necessary for the conservation of the habitat and the animals involved. That’s a different topic too.

As far as the “race card”, that has no place in the discussion on Michael Vick’s actions. Michael Vick is responsible for what he says and does and only Michael Vick alone is responsible for what he chooses do say and do. Just like all of us. This was best summarized in an article by MSN Sports writer
Jason Whitlock.

What does qualify Michael Vick for the “Are you thinking?” category are the following deeds he did and admitted to:

1) He had his financial future ultra solid with his contract and endorsement deals but blew it all on a dog fighting ring. WHY?
2) He lied to the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Since when is it a GOOD idea to lie to the face of your ultra boss?
3) He lied to the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, Arthur Blank. Again, what made him think lying to a major backer would turn out well?
4) He lied to his Head Coach Bobby Petrino.

Don’t care what the topic is, lying to the Head Coach in any sport is bound to land you in the proverbial “dog house”.

The competition for Michael Vick though comes from the management and ownership of the Atlanta Falcons. When there is an investigation on a state and federal level on your starting QB, why would you trade the experienced back up who knows the playbook? I understand they needed more bodies to be competitive and fill gaps but still.

So the question I pose to you the reader is who should get the “Are you thinking?” award? Vick? Atlanta Falcons management and ownership? Or is it a tie? (Then does the tie go to the runner – Vick? Sorry, that’s baseball.)


Let me begin by giving you a description of the standard comments I hear when people know I’m a Stay-at-Home Dad.

“Why are you tired? You are at home and can take a nap whenever you want.”
“So what do you do during the day?”
“Why aren’t you working? Your wife should be at home not you.”
“What did you do between the different dates of employment?” (HR question)

Without fully addressing those yet, I find it amazing that the majority of the grief I get is from women in the workforce. Can anybody else see how the tables have turned? If those same statements were said by men to a stay-at-home mom, he would be labeled a male chauvinistic pig who doesn’t understand the work women do at home. Should a guy quip those lines to his wife, you can bet there will be friction in the marriage with a potential divorce on the horizon.

So why does it happen that Stay-At-Home Dads get such grief? Quite simply, it is based on the assumptions people make. Change is a constant and is also the number one thing people fight against. So preconceived notions are believed over the reality of a situation for a couple, this puts the individual speaking them to a couple in an awkward position and in danger of insulting the couple straining a friendship.

Reality dictates how a family must adapt to their situations. Being a Caucasian male in the workforce makes you the most expendable and the least protected class. In many cases, the wife has the more secure position and better or equal pay. As I will cover in another post, most couples are hard pressed to justify a second income outside of the home in this day and age. here are many reasons for the Dad to stay at home.

The same measure of respect that deservedly belongs to stay-at-home moms should be granted to stay-at-home dads as well. Sure there are bad apples in both bunches, but as a rule each group is an invaluable asset to the family.

I thank my Mom for being a stay-at-home Mom for the first 7 years of my life. I thank my Dad for showing me what a Man is when he chipped in and did the household chores when my Mom was at work.

I Like Provable Facts Not Opinions

The title says it all. I want provable facts not opinions. However, we’ve spent a few generations ‘teaching’ students to value their opinions over facts by using a semantic based argument. What do I mean? “Based on these premises, we can infer” blah, blah, blah. That works in logic and what if scenarios but is best suited for the collegiate level.

I wrote an entire paper for college using that type of logic. So I know full well how a person can take a pile of BS, dig up resources that agree to quote, and turn it in as if it is a wonderful document. Boiled down though, BS is still BS no matter how pretty you make it. It is entertainment at best but far from factually accurate.

The devil is in the details of what the word infer, inference and premise mean. Infer is “to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence” or to put it bluntly “to guess; speculate; surmise.” Inference is “the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation.” Premise means “a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn.”

I’ll refer you back to my prior post on assuming. To restate a phrase I’ve come to dislike enough to make it a pet peeve of mine, based on opinions we take for granted, we can make another opinion. Opinion+opinion=Opinion. Opinion+fact=Opinion.

It is the height of arrogance or deception to conclude an opinion should override facts. What more is it to insert one’s opinion into policy and education and make it be what others should believe because that opinion is worded to sound like a fact?


From the American Heritage dictionary, Social Studies is defined as: “A course of study including geography, history, government, and sociology, taught in secondary and elementary schools.”

Another definition is provided as Nielsen's Definition of Social Studies: "The study of human culture and social interaction in time and space for the purposes of enhancing citizenship participation."

Another definition: commonly used and found in most searches: “Social Studies is the integrated study of the social sciences to prepare young people to become responsible citizens.”

With all of the topics I have previously commented on, this one should be seen easily.

Who defines what a “responsible citizen” is? What value system and belief system are the authors of the curriculum using?

Perhaps it goes without saying but guiding the curriculum especially at a federal level can easily change the perspectives of the masses into believing what you want them to believe. For me, that is disconcerting as it is a shift of power over the people to the federal government and “professionals.” This coupled with the apathy taught into the masses of the USA brings the words of a historical figure to mind.

“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think. “
Adolf Hitler

“There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons . . . Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man.”

Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”


“When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

Adolf Hitler

How do you sway such influence over the youth? The textbooks - because what the textbook say is the truth right?


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