These are strange times when passions flare about topics and real science is soundly ignored by talking heads. One cannot help but wonder if the dumbing down of our public schools and especially the butchering of the science curriculum has aided any in an acceptance of warped concepts.

The topic of global warming has Al Gore taking out a $300 million ad campaign to convince people he is right. Ted Turner has declared we need to act quickly or become cannibals. According to the UN, global warming is responsible for the tragedy in Darfur and will lead to more. It doesn’t only impact humans but global warming causes cats to breed too quickly. Oh the humanity of it all, we should join Cate Blanchett in drinking our own urine to save the planet!! I think I felt an acorn fall from a tree and hit me in the head. The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!! We have to join Sheryl Crow in only using one square of toilet paper per bathroom visit!

What causes all this? Burning fossil fuels, using plastic bags, light-bulbs, earthworms eating, cows farting and even Halloween! All this makes massive quantities of CO2 that is going to cook us to death!! What is the best response? Let’s get the lawyers involved to sue the EPA in Supreme Court to fix it all! The sky is falling!!! The Federal government can fix it like they can fix everything! All hail the omnipotent federal government!!

Okay, I have to stop that before I puke. Lawyers, politicians, actors, actresses and TV station owners yelling at the top of their lungs are nothing new. Let us count up how many of those career paths are considered honest and trustworthy. Ready, go…stop. What did you get? Let me guess, the answer is zero. This entire subject is the domain of science not politics, the courts, or entertainment. When you get down to the science, the debates flare up without any consensus. If any consensus exists, it is focusing on how off base the dishonest career people are.

Is there global warming or is it cooling? The debate goes on. There is even some talking about a pending Ice Age caused by the sun. Is there climate change? Of course, change is constant. Do we have enough data to make any kind of conclusions? The answer to this is turning into a big fat NO.

To be continued...


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