Yes, this is true. The donkey, the symbol of the Democrat party, is in lock up. No amount of braying at the guards will help spring the burro from the pen. It will be staring from behind the bars for its evil deeds for some time to come.

For some unreported reason, the cousin of a horse became enraged and attacked to men. One guy got bit in the chest while another took a hoof to the ankle which then fractured. What made this donkey so angry? Could it be that it found out 31,000 scientists are in signed opposition to global warming? Dang, there go more taxes.

Whatever triggered the foul mood of this donkey south of the border in Mexico left it joining the company of a dog and a bull who were previously incarcerated for their evil deeds.

“TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, Mexico - A donkey is doing time in southern Mexico for assault and battery.

The animal was locked up at a local jail that normally holds people for public drunkenness and other disturbances after it bit and kicked two men near a ranch in Chiapas state, police said Monday.

Officer Sinar Gomez said the donkey will remain behind bars until its owner agrees to pay the men's medical bills.

"Around here, if someone commits a crime they are jailed," Gomez said — "no matter who they are."

The owner, Mauro Gutierrez, told The Associated Press he would try to reach a friendly arrangement to pay the men's bills, estimated at US$420 (euro270).

The victims said the donkey bit Genaro Vazquez, 63, in the chest on Sunday and then kicked 52-year-old Andres Hernandez as he tried to come to the rescue, fracturing his ankle.

"All of a sudden, the animal was on top of us like it was rabid," Hernandez said.

Police said it took a half-dozen men to control the enraged burro.

Chiapas police have thrown animals in the slammer before, including a bull that devoured corn crops and destroyed two wooden vending stands in March.

In 2006, a dog was locked up for 12 days after biting someone. His owners were fined US$18.”

All this though begs a question or two. As Officer Sinar Gomez is quoted as saying “Around here, if someone commits a crime they are jailed no matter who they are.”

Question #1: Since when did a donkey, bull and a dog attain personhood?

Question #2: If a rooster gets loose and takes a poop on the head of the police, would he go to jail for a fowl bowel?

Question #3: Are all of the residents vegetarians? If a donkey, bull and a dog are considered a “who” worthy of jail then how can any residents eat meat unless it is deemed a murder?

Inquiring minds want to know. So for setting such a steep legal precedent the constabulary of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico gets an Are You Thinking? award.


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