Outside of dogs and sometimes cats taking advantage of the continually fresh water, toilets are all for humans right?

That would be correct but that isn’t the primary point in this article. It is a bit more along the lines of how a human is like a toilet in a way. A toilet receives a lot of liquid waste and solid stuff that if it cannot remove it correctly will clog up the pipes causing a backup. Most of us have had the luxury of grabbing the plunger and start the pumping motion in hopes of getting the crap flowing again. Using the power of water and bubbles, eventually the clog is released and the toilet can complete the draining it was designed to do.

For the human body, I’ve experienced that sometimes you need to pull the level and flush out certain parts as well. In addition to my various skeletal maladies, I deal with the annual spring-time allergies. This leads to snoring which prevents me and my wife from getting a solid night’s sleep.

I’ve tried the medication route and that doesn’t do much. Those nose things meant to hold the nose open did nothing. What worked was the one thing I liked the least, flushing my nose out with a sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate sinus rinse once a night or every other night solved the problem. Trust me, it isn’t a fun experience but if it works, it works. A rested wife is a happy wife. Happy wife, happy life is the saying.

It does make sense that a colon cleansing could very well be a good thing. Purging out the poop production with an effective mega-plunger might be what is needed to optimize the human waste pipes for a better flushing experience.

Just what part is the lever is debatable.


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