Adult version of it is nearly the same. Science is the cold hard methodical study of the world around us combined with experimentation to validate or disprove an observational opinion. If it cannot be tested to prove or disprove the asserted opinion hopefully based on observation, then it remains just that – an opinion. You can call it a hypothesis. If it is complex and well thought out, you can call it a model. But to call it a Theory using a little known definition of the word is disingenuous.
Sometimes, the terms inferring and Inferential Science will be used to justify a stance. Looking up the definition of infer gets you to realize inferring is merely inserting your opinion into a set of facts or statements. So inferring grants nothing to science but it is done A LOT and put in the textbooks.
So what is my main thrust for the future curriculum articles concerning Science? Correcting the inferences placed into the curriculum because a group of select individuals are inserting their opinions over facts and attempting to sway the population under the guise of “science.” I would call it what it is. It is a series of lies used to misguide children with a byproduct of degrading the science curriculum.
Science is about facts, study, and measurements. Science is not about untested opinions no matter what wording a person tries to use.