2+2=5 I Can Prove It!!

Way back when I was in college, a next door dorm neighbor asked me a question he was stumped on. His professor challenged them to prove 2+2=5
which he just could not fathom so he asked me. (Note: I also had to show this same guy how to use tweezers so bear that in mind.) It took me a matter of a few moments to figure out the answer. It took me much longer to explain it to the tweezers guy though.

Here it is for all of you to read and muse on. 2, +, =, 5 all have something in common with any word or the following: 4, b, Au, z, $, @, *, googolplex, :p, %, -, etc. All of them are the same in one regard. They are all symbols. I’d type in Chinese Mandarin symbols but my keyboard isn’t prepped for that. What is a symbol? Quite simply, it is a character created either digitally or drawn that has a prescribed meaning to it. Common understanding of what those meanings are gives us the various alphabets, the number system, measuring systems, mathematics, chemical symbols, algebra and so on. Without common understanding, it would be chaos with no individual or group being able to understand another.

So how does 2+2=5?

First, you should know the professor who posed the challenge was a Philosophy professor not mathematics based. So the answer was easy. We’ll redefine the meanings of particular symbols and systems to meet our needs. So instead of 1,2,3,4,5 we will now make it 2,5,3,1,4 in that order. Why? Because I said so. So by my new numerical system, 2+2=5. Don’t like it, tough. I made it up so by Philosophy it works right?

Now there really is a solid reason why I am typing this entry. It is not to flex my mental muscle and redefine mathematics and number systems. It is to prove two points. The first point is to demonstrate that I truly can type a yarn of total baloney and make it sound decent. Give me 10 pages and 15-20 resources and I can make any topic sound great. But that isn’t the key point.

The key point is others can do the exact same thing. However, they are more persistent with pressing their philosophy upon others. Whenever you say something loud enough and long enough especially with enough financial backing, you will convert others to your thinking and they will spread the distortion. Sooner or later they change a few words and then manage to get it into the curriculum.

Wonder why I desire to know the truth and not someone’s opinion? Wonder why I want proof and not some cooked up study? Now you know. BS is BS no matter how you dress it. This is no secret nor is it new. But it is used to perfection in our society and education system.

Now is there a quote I can draw from? Yup, I think there is.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” - Adolf Hitler

(photo from homeschoolmania.com)

that I’ve heard over and over and over. Anyone who has home schooled their children or verbally contemplates it has heard the same line in support of public education. “What about the Social aspect?”

Please forgive me for being more than a bit facetious on this entry but I just need to let the vitriol fly on this one.

To all those who have ever used the line “What about the Social aspect”, I wish to extend a few questions to you.

  1. Do you think all home school parents and children are hermits that live up in the Himalayan mountain range?
  2. Did it ever dawn on you that when you live in a place of population 50 people to 10 million people that a child just might have to interact with other people and children?
  3. Ever heard of things like the park or the library?
  4. Ever pondered the concept of dance classes, Girl / Cub/ Boy Scouts, church groups and Sunday School, or any sport like soccer, Little League or some other TEAM sport?
  5. Better yet, has it ever crossed your mind that we might have…*gasp*…neighbors?

Now I know my daughter isn’t the norm but here is a little concept to ponder. Who is better well-rounded socially at age 6-7, the child that has rarely ventured past city limits or possibly one that has experienced 4 different countries, several different states and multitudes of different cities? My daughter is in the latter category.

Let us shift this entry to another bit to ponder. Perhaps one of the primary reasons why parents want to home school their children are BECAUSE of the social aspect of public schools. I’ll list a few reasons why.

  1. What does going to the Prom mean to life outside of school?
  2. Do children really need to be subjected to peer pressure to do drugs, sex, and be part of the “in-crowd”? Or would they be better off tackling that after they have matured enough and are well grounded in who they are?
  3. Since when is having to discipline your child for bad behavior picked up from other kids a good thing?
  4. Maybe some of us parents do not like the public schools teaching our children to denigrate the beliefs of others and being programmed to be materialistic, selfish and valuing the opinions of murderers, rapists, torturers and slave traders.
  5. Perhaps we as PARENTS WANT to and have the means to take the RESPONSIBILTY for raising OUR children and teaching them a solid VALUE system and not just let that up to the whims of a Curriculum Director at the local, state or federal level or some other staff member.
I would caution all to not be quick to assume or judge others as there are many sides to a topic.

PMA Addendum

(photo from heraldextra.com)

Well, I lampooned the University of Columbia crowd before but the Iranian President really went over the top. It goes without saying that he is today’s winner of an “Are You Thinking?” award. However, let us look at things objectively.

When IPMA made his commentary to the United Nations, there was applause regarding some of his statements regarding Europe and especially the USA. Why is that?

To answer it we need to be intellectually honest with ourselves and be willing to look at the USA from the viewpoint of those in other cultures and countries. Also, it does not matter if a person is a Democrat or a Republican as there is plenty of fault to spread around.

Quite simply in the last ¼ of USA history, most administrations got involved in changing events in other countries. These actions were often done without much foresight or regard to the religious or cultural interpretations those of the local and greater communities of the regions we tampered with. As was well noted, we installed Saddam Hussein into Iraq to counter Iran.

Time went by until another administration had to confront him in the Gulf War. Later, we went back in again and have the current situation in Iraq. Most of this is due to our interference. The popularity of Osama Bin Laden is courtesy of the Clinton administration’s attempt at killing him with missiles which was not a well thought out answer. The list goes on and on throughout the world.

So it is true the USA is responsible for interfering into the affairs of other countries and more so in current times as a result of the prior interference. To be fair, the USA isn’t the only country that tried that avenue but is the primary one remaining. But, we have intervened enough to have irritated many cultures and people across the world. Think of yourself and how much you care for your neighbor’s butting into your daily lives. It is very irritating. What more if they attempted to try and control your lives? Many would become more than irritated and the words arrogant, cocky, and ignorant come up.

As much as we think the IPMA is arrogant in trying to press his values onto the rest of the world, we must be cautious to not be guilty of doing the same.

I also understand IPMA is pandering to the opinions of the Middle East people and his own countrymen with an attempt to gain influence. Additionally, I’ve noticed few websites have looked at his comments regarding homosexuals in the light of a Muslim or Shiite Muslim culture. I’ve got a strong suspicion “coming out of the closet” is not much of an option.

I’ll also grant IPMA his opinion of the UN. I personally know some who have worked in the UN and it is highly questionable if the UN is worth being around or just a waste of resources.

But to throw down the gauntlet he threw down at the UN has to be the hallmark position statement in a long chain of unwise claims. For those comments, he gets the “Are You Thinking?” award as I shake my head and wait for the escalation to grow.


Double Award Day

(Photo from 1010wins.com)

And the second “Are You Thinking?” award goes to: Michael Vick.

Facing more charges on the local level and pending sentencing for his federal conviction, Michael Vick tested positive for marijuana usage and is now under more scrutiny from every angle.

I guess he had to top Britney’s VMA meltdown.

Michael, it is time for you to take your award and go join Britney.

Or just stop making it worse and just go away from headlines.


I was glancing through the online news today and saw a few headlines at Yahoo. Now before I go on, I normally do not hold most of what Yahoo posts up to high esteem as they take a liberal and rather distorted view on things. But in the article Ahmadinejad questions 9/11, Holocaust there was one thing that jumped out at me and not the give and take on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

What jumped out at me was IPMA’s (The name is just too long to keep typing.) statement on homosexuality in Iran and the reaction of the Columbia crowd to his statements. Now I’m not privy to the exact details of life in Iran as it is hard to get much info out of there you can validate. But it did underline a few things I have come to notice on the topic of homosexuality.

To quote from the article:

“Asked about executions of homosexuals in Iran, Ahmadinejad said the judiciary system executed violent criminals and high-level drug dealers, comparing them to microbes eliminated through medical treatment. Pressed specifically about punishment of homosexuals, he said: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

With the audience laughing derisively, he continued: "In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this."”

Now a lot of what IPMA says is off base or flat out badly skewed propaganda that anyone with a brain can see through. However, I would agree with his statements that they do not have the homosexual phenomenon in Iran. I would also conclude the Columbia crowd was acting ignorant and rude in their derisive laughter.

Without going into details on the science side, homosexuality is not genetic. It may be due to improper prenatal care and definitely heavily influenced by societal pressures but not genetic. Also engaging in the act of two men or two women being intimate together and forming a close relationship is something primarily exclusive to Western cultures and those heavily influenced by the Western nations. It is arrogant to assume and assert Western cultural standards (debatable as they are) should be the norm everywhere.

In the Philippines (from my wife's perspective), those who are gay are the kids who stay and take care of their parents as they have no family to tend to of their own. The term “gay” is defined as a person who does not have interest in the opposite gender, not what it is defined as here. What they don’t do is flaunt the medically dangerous cohabitation and lifestyle as it is a cultural taboo to many. What more would the cultural norms be if it is in terms of the strict cultures of countries influenced by Islam and other strict societies?

Would it be beyond the comprehension of this collegiate level crowd to think a person not interested in the opposite gender just remains single with his / her fly zipped up because of where they live and what they were taught?

So for this entry, I hereby award the “Are You Thinking?” award to the crowd at the University of Columbia. Good job at showing IPMA how “educated” you are.


There is one certainty in life we must all face and come to terms with. One day, we will no longer be here. So the question above pertains to your life. Please go through this exercise with me on a piece of paper and think deeply on it.

Start by writing your full name ¼ of the way down the page. Underneath that, you need to put in your date of birth and a dash with a blank at the other end of the dash. Lastly, center six blanks under the date. This is all the space you have for all of the generations to come to read a bit about you.

Here lies the greatest challenge of what to put in those six blanks. Titles change with time and what holds meaning now will be something only historians will care about in the future. So it doesn’t matter if you are a CEO, President, Network Admin, or a Janitor, the future will have different terms for those positions if they still exist. Have you decided on what those six words will be? I have on mine.

Mine are: Perfect Husband, Awesome Father, True Friend

What are yours?

It is the dash between the dates where we live our life and the 6 words reflect the dash.

Again I ask you, what are your six words?

Make them come true. Live it!


The Art of Making a Mess of Life

What am I talking about? I’m talking about how so many people in so many walks of life commit the same cardinal error and ASSUME. It is by far my greatest pet peeve. For those of you who are uncertain of what it means, the basic definition used in this article is “to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit.”

Why do I detest it the most?

First, I’ve been the victim of people making decisions affecting my life based on what they believed to be true or assumed. Second, when a person assumes, they are far more likely to be wrong or nowhere close to the truth than they are to be correct.

Here is the list of ways assuming has impacted my life:

  1. I have a disability. However, many will assume I am an invalid and should depend on the state. This includes family members, HR departments, and a litany of others. It is quite insulting.
  2. I am a stay-at-home dad. So of course, many will assume that I am either lazy, have nothing to do with my time, or have no marketable skills.
  3. I home school my daughter. Naturally, that means she has no concept of social skills. That is such a common assumption that there is this sign for sale.
  4. I like to experiment with recipes and foreign foods. When you mention a new mixture or a foreign dish, watch as they assume it will taste bad and contort their face.
  5. Curriculum wise –
  • Math – Barring T-proofs in Geometry, if you assume a value in math, I can very comfortably bet that you will be wrong. Amazing thing is many people make this mistake in their personal lives. It is called – budgeting on an assumed income.
  • Science – When you assume something in science, it must be kept to an absolute minimum number of assumptions or you will absolutely be far off track.
  • History – We’ve neeeeever had one culture or ethnicity assume they are better than another have we? England, Spain, France, Germany, Japan, USA, USSR, Al Qaeda ..nah, never. Let us not forget the assumptions made when you head off to college, get your first job, or what sport someone thinks you should be good at, etc.

6. Let us not forget the assumptions made when you head off to college, get your first job, or what sport someone thinks you should be good at, etc.

I think you get the picture. The problem is this is now so prevalent because the last few generations have been taught that it is fine to do so.


Short Cuts for Essay Writing...

We’ve all been there usually at the collegiate level when all the professors are pressing you for work to be done all at the same time. Of course, you can’t ask for time off from your college job either so how do you get it all done, stay sane, or not become dependent on energy drinks or coffee to get you from day to day?

For the students of today, there are services that can generate Custom Term Papers for you. Now before you think this former teacher is telling you to cheat, I’m not. You’ll still have to prep the topic, the outline, and put your touch into it. You need to have your input into it or you can be toast if the professor grills you on it. (Yah know the knowledge shown on the essay has to match what you show on a test or in an interview.) But resources are resources and I wish this was around when I was in college. It would have beaten having a fellow student type up a paper for me for cash then have to redo it because that student couldn’t spell.

Term Papers and Research Papers can be a beast to do especially on a time crunch so it doesn’t hurt to have a go to resource to take some of the pressure off. However, if you are into original writing, then you can blaze your own trail on paper writing. If you are like many others and just need to get it done, this company is definitely worth checking out. It wouldn’t be the first time a student had some hired help to finish off a major paper for a class. That event was common even before the Internet.

Psychological Analysis of the White Tailed Deer

If you are looking for full scientific details of the White Tailed Deer, you can check here, here, or here. But I’m here to give you a new view of our friend with the white butt so please join us in our journey into the psyche of Da Turdy Point Buck. Oops, let’s just stick to the normal sized ones.

Similar to a lot of the people in the world, deer have a variety of personalities which show when they approach the crossing of a road. Some deer are brave going on cocky, some are cautious and wise, some young and inexperienced, and some are just flat out clueless.

Now the brave ones think they can make it across the road and daringly dash across trusting in their amazing muscles and bounding stride. But the cocky ones take it to the next level and go to the extreme. They try to hurdle fast moving cars from the side. Granted, the one that scared the crap out of my brother was a bit too cocky for his horns and almost made it. He clipped his hind hooves on the hood of the car and somersaulted into the forest. The deer survived and walked off when his world stopped spinning.

The cautious and wise deer approach the road with the wisdom garnered from watching some of their brethren getting smashed to a pulp. They look both ways before crossing a road then they go quickly when the path is clear. The truly wise deer form a single file line, wait for the cars to stop, double check the traffic to make certain it stopped then each takes their turn crossing the road. Wish we had our video camera that time.

Now the young and inexperienced either becomes a cautious and wise deer later or they are the examples to the surviving deer of what not to do. “Did you see what I meant junior? Your twin brother darted out in front of the metal monsters and look what it got him. Now they’ll just cart him away. Gotta check for traffic or be splattered.”

The clueless ones are really…well…clueless. These are the ones that look the wrong way while slowly crossing traffic on a highway. $5000 later and my car was fixed after meeting one of them.

So we can conclude that deer have personalities. Do they have souls? I can’t say for certain. I do know domestic horses do though. After all, they wear shoes.

So when you are driving in white-tailed deer territory, be on the look-out for the young & inexperienced and clueless deer. Especially if they are talking on a cell phone.


Tailgating the Not Fun Version

Tailgating the Not Fun Version

For those who are not familiar with the term, tailgating can mean two potential things. First it could be referring to a party that takes place at a sporting event. That is a tailgate party. I have no problems with that and it isn’t a Pet Peeve of mine.

However, the other version of tailgating does bother me quite a bit especially when my daughter is in the backseat of the car. Tailgating of this sort is dangerous. I’m not saying this because I’m a slow driver. I normally push the limits of what speed you can drive without getting a ticket.

The majority of those who tailgate are either drivers of SUV’s, pick-up trucks, mini-vans, or inattentive drivers yakking on the cell phone. The key thing these individuals are forgetting is we live in Wisconsin. We have silly things like snow, ice and white tailed deer. The white-tailed deer are the most unpredictable potential hazard as there are numerous roads that cut through farmlands and forests where the deer roam. They can bolt out of the side of the road at anytime.

I’ve had that happen to me and the result is shown below. Now for all of these larger vehicle drivers, they are also forgetting another detail. They are driving larger vehicles. The bigger the vehicle the further it needs to stop due to its mass.

When you meet a deer or anything else that dents the front of your car, your air bag deploys in a puff of powder that further obstructs your view so your natural instinct is to bring your car to a halt. When you have a pick-up truck traveling at 60 mph less than 20 ft from your tail pipe, you are certainly going to be experience far greater complications.

But that alone isn’t quite enough to hit my Pet Peeve list. It is the other observation my wife and I have made and labeled the 3T. The drivers who tailgate usually do so and end up turning off shortly after coming up on your rear. So all they had to do is wait 2 more seconds at a safe following distance to do the exact same thing. But no, they have to Tailgate To Turn. So they have gone beyond the “Are You Thinking?” category and landed in my Pet Peeves.


As a formerly certified K-12 Emotional Disturbance teacher, I was required to take a little bit of every subject taught in the schools. This makes sense as in that role or in the role of a substitute teacher, you help your students no matter the topic. Also, I’m no slouch when it comes to a variety of topics anyways. So what does all that garner me? It helps to give me a different view on the curriculum.

For my readers who are non-US based, our grade levels of 7th through 12th grade are taught by teachers who have received a degree in their chosen subject. Those teachers collaborate with other teachers in their department (English, Math, Science, etc) for ideas, lesson plans and general garnishing of knowledge. All this is well and good but it lends itself to an educational error. Over specializing and closed minded thinking.

As my late argumentative English professor said, degrees progress on a straight line – B.S., M.S., then Piled Higher & Deeper. Getting wrapped up in a topic does permit mastery but often closes a person’s mind to consider other issues as it isn’t their field.

Why is that a problem when it can be a blessing? Well, education isn’t about the adults with degrees. It is about the students.

Students in 7th-12th grade and in college go from class to class covering all the full scope of topics depending on their class schedule. It is only logical to conclude they take the concepts of one class into another. So what happens when one teacher, district / state/ federal curriculum director, or textbook author inserts their values and beliefs into the curriculum as opposed to keeping to the known facts? It does not just impact the one subject they are focusing on. It can hurt the students in all of the subjects.

I’ll give you an example from my life. When I was in tenth grade, the very first unit in English was identical to the one in History. It was taught on the same days, close to the same course material, and even had the unit exam on the same day. So as a student, I thought I would show off the depth and breadth of my knowledge of the unit and used the information I got from one teacher to augment my answers on the other’s exams. The result was less than desired. Each teacher marked the information I got from the other wrong.

In my mind, I could no longer trust what either teacher taught. So I zoned out and went through the motions to get the grade. To this day, I can’t tell you what was taught in those classes as I didn’t care after the first test.

Is it important to make certain the total curriculum is in harmony? You better believe it is.


Many in the USA today have forgotten a basic lesson about the past. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing and meant what they said in the Constitution of the USA, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights.

In particular to this entry is the 1st Amendment of the Constitution which reads:

Amendment I
Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Now I believe they meant what they said. Congress shall make NO LAW. Without trying to confirm what the definition of “is” is, I would conclude that “No law” means NO Law. Since the Constitution expressly gives the duty of the creation of the laws to the Congress that would mean the Judicial Branch cannot make such rulings as to establish laws.

Here is the wisdom of the Founding Fathers so many these days are forgetting or omitting – They understood the separation of church and state as it is interpreted now is IMPOSSIBLE.

Why is it impossible?

This will not be that hard to follow. Every person has values that guide how they live. These values are derived from the system of beliefs they follow. A system of beliefs is another definition of religion, especially as defined by our courts. So whether a person believes in a God, a set of gods, no gods or is uncertain, they have a belief system or a religion. That encompasses Christianity, Jewish faith, Islam, Native American beliefs, Norse mythology, Greek & Roman mythology, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hindu, Shinto, Humanism, Atheism, Agnostic, and any other one you can think of.

Each individual will have their version of their belief system that guides them whatever it may be. That is impossible to change. It is also impossible to ban religion from the state as religion is a personal choice. It is possible to ban the government from getting involved in the affairs of the religious nature though.

That is what the Founding Fathers did. But in our “modern wisdom” we have ignored it. Now each time when a court acts to rule on a religious issue, the line is crossed as to rule for or against one religion is to open the door for another to quietly step in its place. Hence the courts are now doing what the Founding Fathers despised – Government mandated religion.


Ode to Geraldo

Ode to Geraldo

Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsey Lohan,
Do I really need to go on?
There is a new member added to this club,
He’s well known for his Al Capone flub.

Once again he is on TV with his rant.
This time threatening to spit on an ‘elephant,’
All this against a petite lady named
Michelle Malkin.
Why oh why does Fox let him keep talkin’?

He claims she’s anti-immigration,
Dude do you know how her parents got to this nation?
They like my wife are legal immigrants,
Sick and tired of pro-ILLEGAL rants.

You are the National Enquirer to Malkin’s Wall Street Journal,
So please dear Geraldo stop the speaking,
You’ve already won the “
Are You Thinking?”


As One Door Closes…..

So what impact would those ankle ailments have on your life? Would it shut you down? Seriously limit you or maybe cost you to lose or highly alter your employment? Would you look to the State to support you? Would you be looking for pity? I’ll get to most of my answers soon enough.

To cover the last question though, this blog is meant to educate not garnish me pity. I do not need it nor want it. I’m fine with who I am and the limitations on my life, well most of the time, you’ll understand soon.

First though you do need to understand an issue those with physical challenges face. Yes, there is a primary physical issue but almost always there are secondary medical issues caused by your body being thrown out of whack by the big one. When I started using my arms to support more of my weight, my ankle injuries triggered bursitis in one elbow and tendinitis in the other. Additionally, I had issues with my right hip and lower back as the height of the right foot was higher than the left because of the brace while in socks. It didn’t help that I had previously injured that hip years ago either (upright freezer, stairwell, you get the picture).

Similarly, nearly all the friends I have who have challenges face the same thing. They have a primary ailment with a number of secondary ailments. And yah, it does hurt worse some days than others but you get used to it the best you can. How can I talk so nonchalant about the litany of ailments I’ve got? The answer is courtesy of some very long time friends. See, there are plenty of others with far worse ailments. Some persons have far more painful or life shortening issues than I, they all have something in common.

Our physical problems do not define who we are, just what we can do. One of my childhood and long time friends is a paraplegic. He is confined to a wheelchair for life. His attitude is what inspires me still to this day. His infectious positive attitude and dreaming of attaining goals left a permanent mark on my life.

As life went on, he attained his goal. Take a guess what it was. Ready? He became a race car mechanic. Our disabilities do not define who we are. They might limit what we can do but a person can still find a way. Thanks Bobby.


Disabilities come in three basic categories – physical, mental or emotional. With my certification in Special Education with an Emphasis on Emotional Disturbances and 4 student teaching courses away from being certified in Learning Disabilities and Cognitive Disabilities, I’ve got my knowledge base fairly good in this topic.

Additionally, I’ve served in those three kinds of classrooms for the better part of 5 years with many positive and some interesting stories. But this category is about bringing you the reader into the realm of one with disabilities. So it would help if you knew what my disabilities are.

Mine are of the physical limitation variety. Obviously, my fingers are mostly fine and so is my brain. The majority of the issues are with my ankles. The story of the sequence of them can be found in Family Matters. My three ‘gifts’ are a right ankle that is breaking down, tendons out of place in the left and an edema in the left ankle. So what the heck does that mean?

My right ankle bones are separating from the small foot bones in the area and both sets are folding in forcing my foot to collapse on itself to the outside. I can tell you this isn’t fun. It also isn’t reversible either. I have to wait until I’m 55 for a fusion of that ankle. Until then, I have to wear an immobilizing brace to extend the amount of footsteps I have with that foot.

The left ankle is more joyous with a Catch-22 double whammy. A bone in my outer left ankle keeps slipping in and out of place daily. Each time it slips out of place it ruptures a blood vessel on the inside of my foot. A compression sock is worn at nearly all times on that foot to prevent a blood clot from forming and killing me. To make it more fun, the tendons that cover the outer ankle have slipped and now are resting under the outer ankle.

Translation – The more I walk, the more likely the tendons are to rupture without a hard orthotic insert to give the foot proper structure. BUT, if I wear shoes for more than 4 hours a day, the blood leaking from the inside of my ankle will pool up and I won’t be able to wear shoes for over 2 days. Sounds like fun hunh? I’ll let you ponder how that would impact your life before I let you know how it impacts mine.


Assault of the Killer Burger

Maybe the YuGiOh game is starting to come to life. I know McDonald’s sometimes has YuGiOh cards from time to time in their Happy Meals. Maybe this card, or this card snuck in came to life and attacked the police officer listed in this article.

In all attempts as seriousness, what made the police officer think it was a good idea to waste many hundreds of taxpayer dollars if not thousands for a $1-$3 burger that was salty? Normally, a person would take one bite and stop eating the burger. Usually you would just throw it away or go back to the store and ask for a refund, replacement or a slight chat with the manager.

But the cop went so far as to arrest and throw a standard fast food employee in jail for a salty burger. Why on earth would anyone bother? Hopefully, all these charges of such a heinous crime will be dismissed as pathetic.

So I must hereby declare. We have to award the next “Are You Thinking?” award to the police officer. Next up will be the DA if they prosecute this.

And to all fast food employees everywhere, please hold the salt.


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